How do you know you are receiving a sign or message from your deceased loved one? Do you doubt what you interpret as signs from your loved ones? Do you want a sign so badly that you are making the lack of receiving signs a part of your grief? Do you have anxiety because you believe your child or loved one is angry resentful, guilty, remorseful or any other human feeling you may worry about? Do you want the same sign other bereaved parents receive?
Receiving signs and messages from our deceased loved ones is not just a desire of the bereaved. It is not wishful thinking. It is a part of learning to live your life differently after the death of a loved one. And it too, like grief, is a process and it will take time to develop your new relationship. It takes three simple but not easy steps to learn how to develop and maintain a relationship with your deceased loved one. Those steps are:
1. Being Aware
2. Noticing
3. Trusting
Kathy Corrigan shares the following story, “Even after 19 years and hundreds of signs from Michael, I am still working on the ‘trusting’ issue. One night, driving home from a meeting, I was talking to Michael (as I do often) and asking him how he thought the meeting had gone and wondering if I had said the appropriate things to our the newly bereaved who had attended that night... hoping that the meeting had brought some peace and comfort to each person that was there. As soon as I asked for a sign from Michael, the streetlight above me went out as I drove under it!! ‘Thank you, Michael!’ I said out loud but then I quickly added, ‘Michael, if that was you, do it again!’ I repeated myself saying, ‘Do it again, do it again, do it again!’ And bless my sweet angel son, another street light turned off just as I drove underneath it! Michael continues to amaze me with the signs he sends me – big ones and little ones. I saw a sign one time that said: ‘ASK, BELIEVE, RECEIVE.’ It really is as simple as that!”
Receiving signs and messages:
1. To be able to receive signs and messages it is dependent upon clearing your mind enough to be able to be aware.
2. This is where the noticing enters. We ne need to recognize the personal messages being sent.
3 Trust is developed when you come to know that what you experience is not coincidence.
People may ridicule you and say you are seeing things. Others may label your experiences as coincidence. You may doubt yourself and what you experienced, what you feel or you may question whether you are making “something out of nothing.” Here is where the step of trust is crucial to the process. As Gandhi said: “As long as you derive inner help and comfort from anything, keep it.”