When my son died I had no idea how vital it would be for me to create tangible ways of remembering him. I have found over time that it is incredibly important that he is thought of as a cherished member of our family. It is important to me that people feel comfortable remembering him along with us.
Below are some ideas for remembering and including your child.
Remember, there is no right or wrong way to honor your child. Do what feels right or is best for you and your family. These are merely suggestions:
Personal memorials:
Photo albums and scrapbooks *
Make a Shadowbox
Quilts or pillows made from his/her clothing
Tree planting or sanctuary garden at home *
Altar or sacred space, Create a place in your home for your child’s special things
Angel collection
Write letters to your child , keep a Journal
Keep an online blog and write what’s in your heart. You can even make it private if you don’t feel comfortable sharing your journey with others
Tape or CD of memory songs
Videotape or DVD of child’s life *
Make or buy a piece of jewelry (bracelet, necklace,) with your child’s name and date
Name a star after your child
Celebrate their birthday, in a big or small way, whatever you are comfortable with
Have a Butterfly Release
Collect things here and there that remind you of them
Take photos of something in nature that help you feel closer to your child (light, butterflies, flowers, dragonflies, etc…)
Honor your child’s memory at Celebrations (Holidays, Birthday, etc…)
Take photos of something in nature that help you feel closer to your child (light, butterflies, flowers, dragonflies, etc…)
Make a charitable contribution in your child’s name to your favorite charity or organization
Participate in a Charity walk in their name
Start or join a charity or non-profit to help others in your situation
Public memorials:
Memorial scholarship
Memorial golf tournaments
Tree planting in a public park, school playground, etc.
Memorial bricks or plaques – schools, Hospice, hospitals, etc
Social Media, make a tribute page for your child (Facebook, etc..)