Mid Hudson
Bereaved Parents of the USA
Meeting Information
Parents, Grandparents
First Thursday
of the month
@ 7:00 pm
Contact Kathy for meeting information
Helping grieving parents and families rebuild their lives following the death of a child.
Click here for EVENTS

Aaron Adam Adonis Alexis Alexandra Amy Amee Andrew Angela Annette
Anthony Ariel Astarra Becca Bobby Bonnie Bradley Brenna Brian
Bruce Bryan Cara Chad Chandra Chris Christian Christine
Christopher C. J. Craig Damien Daniel Darren David
Derek Eduardo Edward Emily Eric Evin Gabrielle
Gina Jacob James Janice Jason Jeffrey
Jennifer JJ Joey Jonathan Jose
Joseph Julie Justin Katerine
Kenaia Kevin Khaliff Kyle Latasia
Liliya Lisa Mara Matthew Megan Melissa
Michael Michele Michelle Mikey NaQuan Noel
Patrick Peter Quentin Rhys Robert Ryan Ryleigh
Samantha Sean Shane Shaquille Shawn Skyla Stefan
Stephanie Stephen Tara Timothy Todd Vincent Zachary Zane Zephyr