Mid Hudson
Bereaved Parents of the USA
Meeting Information
Parents, Grandparents
First Thursday
of the month
@ 7:00 pm
Contact Kathy for meeting information
Helping grieving parents and families rebuild their lives following the death of a child.
Click here for EVENTS
Bereaved Parents of the USA - A support group for parents, grandparents and siblings who have suffered the death of a child, grandchild or sibling
Alive Alone - Support for Families with No Surviving Children
Parents of Murdered Children - To provide support and assistance to all survivors of homicide victims
Child Suicide - For those who have suffered the tragic and indescribably painful loss of a child to suicide
MISS Foundation - the MISS Foundation C.A.R.E.S. for families experiencing the death of a baby or child at any age and from any cause
Babyloss - Information on miscarriage and infant loss
October 15 - Support for those who are miscarriage, an ectopic pregnancy, a still birth, or the loss of an infant
Jacob - A Short Documentary About Pregnancy and Infant Loss
MADD - Mothers Against Drunk Driving offer ongoing support to victims/survivors.
Sibling Grief
What's Your Grief A resource for anyone who has lost a sister or brother.
The Light Will Find You - a blog by a sibling about grief
Camps for Sibilings
Comfort Zone Camp - For Children who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, or primary caregiver
Chilren 7- 17
Young Adults - 19 - 25
Camp Erin - For Children and Teenagers ages 6 - 17, who have experienced the death of a parent,sibling or someone close to them.COPE Camp Erin New York City will take place this summer at Camp Wayne, August 22-‐24, 2014 (2.5 hours from New York City in the Pocono Mountains).
Grief Books and Resources
Living with Loss Magazine - Hope and Healing for the Body, Mind and Spirit features articles, stories, poems and bereavement resources, cards, gifts and booklets for the bereaved
Centering Coporation and Grief Digest Magazine - Dedicated to serving the needs of those healing from loss
List of Grief Movies