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Candle Lighting Remembrance Ceremony

Second Sunday in December 

Every year, at 7:00 pm on the second Sunday in December, group candle lightings are held around the globe. The intense darkness of grief gives way to light as hundreds of thousands of candles spread their flickering flames to light the night in unison as all of the children who died are remembered and honored. The first candles are lit in New Zealand, and for the next 24 hours a virtual wave of light spreads around the world. This event binds all bereaved families everywhere in a show of support and compassion, one for the other.


Candles are a natural way to express our devotion; their symbolism is unmistakable. The love that we have for our children and siblings continues to burn in our hearts, long after that love is gone from our sight and touch. We burn candles to declare the ongoing presence of our children and siblings in our lives, so that they may not be forgotten. Watching the flicker of the candlelight offers some comfort and peace to a broken heart; at times you might stare so deeply into the flame that you are able to remove yourself from the present and spend a few blessed moments in harmony with your child or sibling.


Please join us in this beautiful tribute to our children. Any bereaved parent or family member and friends are invited to participate. For those of you who are newly bereaved, we encourage you to attend. This service can make handling the holiday season a little easier.


SLIDE PRESENTATION - a special video of our beautiful Children! If you are planning to attend our Candle Lighting Ceremony and would like your child represented in our video, please e- mail a picture of your child, and include their full name as you want it displayed in the slide presentation.  Picture should be of your deceased child only. If your child's picture was included in previous year's video, we will use the same picture unless you send a new one. Please scan the picture and email to Kathy  at If you have any questions, please call Kathy at 845-462-2825.

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We, as bereaved parents, help grieving parents and

families rebuild their lives following the death of a child. 


See our Donation tab  for other ways of giving.


MHBP is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization and your donation is fully tax deductable


This site maintained by Pinky Alger in memory of her son Sean Alger



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